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美国试管婴儿专家-艾琳 吴医学博士

作者:麦肯锡健康 来源:本站编辑 时间:2020-04-15 16:22:36 阅读:1396

DR. Irene Woo, 艾琳 吴医学博士






毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学的吴医生全名Irene Woo, 是全美知名的辅助生殖专家,从事临床工作8年,尤其擅长胚胎移植。通过早产因子的发现,吴医生找到了移植后,导致胎儿体重变轻和早产的重要原因, 也为此荣获了美国医学界的诸多殊荣。




2002-2006年 宾夕法尼亚大学(美国常青藤联盟)完成分子生物学本科

2006-2010年 宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院完成临床医学博士

2010-2014年 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院完成住院医师实习

2014-2017年 南加州大学医学院辅助生殖与内分泌专家级进修



在行医的8年中,试管婴儿专家吴医生针对冷冻卵子胚胎移植、卵巢早衰女性的卵子活力保持,多囊卵巢综合症等诸多问题都有独到之处;此外试管婴儿专家吴医生与世界辅助生殖医学届的诸多大牛一同编撰了美国权威辅助生殖教材-美国第四版试管婴儿the 4th edition of In Vitro Fertilization.




2017年试管婴儿专家吴医生发表在《ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES》(辅助生殖技术)中的一文成功的解决了卵子冷冻复苏效率不高的问题,经过10年间286例患者的研究,吴医生成功的将冷冻卵子的活产率提高到了冷冻胚胎的同样效率。


2017年5月,试管婴儿专家吴医生发表的一篇关于早产因子造成妊娠不良结局的文章《The role of angiogenic markers in adverse perinatal outcomes: fresh versus frozen embryo transfers》,首次革命性的找到了血管生成标志物与胎儿发育的重要关系,在美国辅助生殖界引起巨大轰动。

通过2011-2013年的数据比对,试管婴儿专家吴医生发现,自然受孕的女性中,血管生成因子(VEGF)+ 胎盘生成因子(PIGF)的比例高于试管受孕的女性,连锁冻胚胎移植数据研究,(自然受孕>冻胚胎> 鲜胚胎)明确了影响胎儿早期着床、发育以及早产的重要原因。





医学本科(Bachelor Degree)| 宾夕法尼亚大学

医学博士(MD Degree) |约翰霍普金斯大学医学院妇产科

住院医师(Residency) | 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院妇产科

专家级进修(Fellowship) |南加州大学医学院生殖内分泌与不孕不育科室


辅助生殖与内分泌 |美国妇产科委员会认证(ABOG)

妇产科 |美国妇产科委员会认证(ABOG)




ü   Nagey临床研究最佳贡献奖(2014)

ü   太平洋海岸生殖学会青年学者奖(2015)

ü   Vivere科学顾问委员会青年学者奖(2016)

ü   太平洋海岸生殖学会杰出贡献奖(2017) 


2017最佳临床医生 | Distinguished Doctor Award for Clinical Excellence, 2017

2017年度最佳妇科手术医生| Gynecologic Surgery Excellence Award, 2017 



1. Garino C, Bihel F, Pietrancosta N, Laras Y, Quéléver G, Woo I, Klein P, Bain J, Bouchner JL, Kraus JL.  New 2-bromomethyl-8-substituted-benzo[c]chromen-6-ones.  Synthesis and biological properties.  Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2005;15:135-8.

2. Swelstad BB, Brezina PR, Johnson CT, Resetkova N, Woo I, Klop L.  Primary infertility associated with neuroendocrine tumor (Carcinoid) of the appendix.  Asian Pac J Reprod 2012;1:152-4.

3. Woo I, Ehsanipoor RM.  Cabergoline therapy for Cushing disease throughout pregnancy.  Obstet Gynecol 2013;122:485-7.

4. Woo I, Birsner ML, Chen CC.  Periurethral cystic mass misdiagnosed:  A case report.  J Reprod Med 2014;59:414-6.

5. Woo I, Seifert S, Hendricks D, Jamshidi RM, Burke AE, Fox MC.  Six-month and 1-year continuation rates following postpartum insertion of implants and intrauterine devices.  Contraception 2015;92:532-5.

6. Woo I, Tobler K, Khafagy A, Christianson MS, Yates MM, Garcia JE.  Predictive value of elevated LH/FSH ratio for ovulation induction in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.  J Reprod Med. 2015; 60 (11-12):495-500.

7. Ho J, Woo I, Louie K, Salem W, Jabara SI, Bendikson K, Paulson R, Chung K. A comparison of live birth rates and perinatal outcomes between cryopreserved oocytes and cryopreserved embryos. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017; 34:1359-1366.

8. Woo I, Chan Y, Sriprasert I, Louie K, Ingles S. Stanczyk F, McGinnis LK, Chung K. The role of angiogenic markers in adverse perinatal outcomes: fresh vs frozen embryo transfers. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017; 34: 1639-1643.

9.  Woo I, Hindoyan R, Landay M, Ho J, Ingles SA, McGinnis LK, Paulson R, Chung K. Perinatal outcomes after natural conceptions vs IVF in gestational carriers: A model to evaluate IVF treatment vs maternal effects.  Fertil Steril.2017; 108: 993-998.


Chapters in Books:

 1. Woo I, Yates MM.  Menstrual disorders:  Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, chapter 38.  In:  Johnson CT, Hallock JL, Bienstock JL, Fox HE, Wallach EE (editors).  The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Fifth Edition, 2015.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA.

 2. Woo I, Tobler KJ.  Evaluation of amenorrhea, chapter 39.  In:  Johnson CT, Hallock JL, Bienstock JL, Fox HE, Wallach EE (editors).  The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Fifth Edition, 2015.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA.

 3. Woo I, Christianson MS. Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, section 4. In: Szymanski LM and Bienstock JL (editors). Johns Hopkins Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Edition 2015. McGraw-Hill Education / Medical.

 4. Woo I, Paulson RJ.  Oocyte donation.  In:  Gardner DK, Simon C (editors).  Oocyte donation.  Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization, 4th Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.  Submitted 11/30/15.

 5. Woo I, Paulson RJ. Egg and Embryo Donation. Reproductive Medicine Encyclopedia. Vol 5. In Press 2017.

 6. Woo I. Treatment of Gynecological Congenital Anomalies. Handbook of Gynecology. In Press.


 1. Woo I, Flanigan E, Aros S, Cassoria F, Troendle J, Mills JL.  Neurological abnormalities in children exposed to large quantities of alcohol in utero.  Poster presentation at the National Institutes of Health Summer Research Symposium, August 3, 2007, Bethesda, MD.

 2. Kerri B, Woo I, Harkins G.  Complication rates of total laparoscopic hysterectomies at a teaching institution.  Resident Research Symposium, April 2012, Penn State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA.

 3. Woo I, Christianson M, Swelstad B, Yates M, Garcia J.  Bilateral ovarian ectopic pregnancies following intrauterine insemination after unsuccessful oocyte retrieval.  Poster presentation at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 18-22, 2012, Rancho Mirage, CA.  Fertil Steril 2012;97(Suppl):S31.

 4. Christianson MS, Yates MM, Woo I, Khafagy A, Garcia JE, Kolp LA.  Women of reproductive age receiving gonadotoxic treatment:  Needs assessment and predictive factors for fertility preservation.  Oral presentation at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 20-24, 2012, San Diego, CA.  Fertil Steril 2012;98(Suppl):S8.

 5. Christianson MS, Yates MM, Woo I, Khafagy A, Garcia JE, Kolp LA.  Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA):  Diagnostic features and management of a frequently misdiagnosed syndrome.  Poster presentation at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 20-24, 2012, San Diego, CA.  Fertil Steril 2012;98(Suppl):S222.

 6. Woo I, Tobler K, Khafagy A, Christianson MS, Yates MM, Garcia JE.  Predictive value of elevated LH/FSH ratio for ovulation induction in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.  Poster presentation at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigations, March 20-23, 2013, Orlando, FL.

 7. Woo I, Hendricks D, Obara R, Roxanne JM, Burke AE, Fox MC.  Six month continuation rate following immediate postpartum insertion of intrauterine devices and implants.  Poster presentation at the Conjoint Meeting of the International Federation of Fertility Societies 21st World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 12-17, 2013. Boston, MA.  Fertil Steril 2013;100(Suppl):S312.

 8.  Woo I, Stewart K, Christianson MS, Khafagy A, Zhao Y, Wallach E.   v Poster presentation at the Conjoint Meeting of the International Federation of Fertility Societies 21st World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 12-17, 2013. Boston, MA.  Fertil Steril 2013;100(Suppl):S434.

 9.  Woo I, Stanczyk F, Patel S, Su IH, Chung K.  Are there longitudinal changes in serum estradiol due to tamoxifen in premenopausal women with breast cancer?  A prospective cohort study.  Poster presentation at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, March 11-15, 2015, Rancho Mirage, CA.  Fertil Steril 2015;103(Suppl):e41.

 10. Hindoyan RH, Woo I, Ingles S, Paulson R, Chung K.  Perinatal outcomes in pregnancies achieved through gestational surrogacy:  Investigating the influence of treatment versus host effects on assisted reproductive technology outcomes.  Poster presentation at the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 17-21, 2015, Baltimore, MD.  Fertil Steril 2015;104(Suppl):e221.

 11. Woo I, Ingles S, Sriprasert I, Paulson R, Stanczyk F, Chung K.  The role of angiogenic markers in adverse perinatal outcomes:  Fresh vs. frozen embryo transfers.  Accepted for oral presentation at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, March 9-13, 2016, Rancho Mirage, California.

 12. Woo I, Hindoyan R, Pandian R, Stanczyk F, Bendikson K, Chung K.  Do levels of soluble LH receptors predict effectiveness of exogenous gonadotropins in controlled ovarian hyperstimulaton?  Accepted for poster presentation at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, March 9-13, 2016, Rancho Mirage, California.

 13. Ho J, Woo I, Bendikson K, Paulson R, Chung K.  Oocyte cryopreservation is as effective as embryo cryopreservation in achieving live births.  Accepted for poster presentation at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, March 9-13, 2016, Rancho Mirage, California.

 14. Woo I, Davenport E, Ingles S, Stanczyk F, Chung K, Bendikson K, Paulson R. Imprecise and Inaccurate HCG trigger concentrations. Oral presentation at the 2016 ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo, Oct 15-19, 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah. 

 15. Woo I, Ho J, Granat A, Jones T, Paulson R, Chung K, Bendikson K. Stair-step ovulation induction is not just for clomiphene citrate.  Poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, March 22-26, 2017, Indian Wells, CA.  Fertil Steril 2017;107(Suppl):e22-3.

 16. Woo I, Ahmady A, Rhodes-Long K, Villaneuva M, Paulson R, Chung K, Arrach N. Detection of mosaicism using Bayesian model.  Poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, March 22-26, 2017, Indian Wells, CA.  Fertil Steril 2017(Suppl):107:e22.

17.  Woo I, Christenson LK, Gunewardena S, Paulson R, Chung K, Ahmady A, McGinnis LK.  Distinct microRNA suggest differential gene regulation in granulosa cells in young women with normal ovarian reserve compared to young women with diminished ovarian reserve.  Oral presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, Outstanding Prize Paper Third Place. March 22-26, 2017, Indian Wells, CA.  Fertil Steril 2017;107(Suppl):e5.

上一篇: 美国试管婴儿专家-玉兰 张医学博士下一篇: 美国试管婴儿专家-易立安.莫尔医学博士
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